Download Free Software H&r Huntsman Owners Manual

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July 2016 NewsletterThis Free Newsletter Goes to Over 20,000 Firearms Collectors, Enthusiasts, Historians and Professionals WorldwideOver 5000 Vintage Gun Catalogs, Books and Manuals from 1840s to 1990s. And more each month!United States, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Australia, India, Burma and more.Guns, Ammunition, Reloading, Telescopes, Sights, Archery (all Bear Catalogs),Fishing, Trapping, Sports. Calls from the Wilds. If for any reason this letter does not display properly, you can on our website. For a downloadable copy of our catalog of reprints or manuals.

If you missed a newsletter or want to look something up -. If you think a friend would enjoy reading this newsletter please forward a copy by using the link at the top of this page.Popups Blocker may block your links in the newsletter. Most of the following images are linked to safe website locations. To read or view the complete story, click on the image or linked text.There may be a link associated with a picture.

If you place your cursor over a picture or underlined text and click you get to go to the source. (I've clicked on all the links and they have not damaged my computer so you should be perfectly safe- Rob)Trap Surprise!A run of the mill Trap Door Springfield, right?It looks like one.Cut down maybe?Wrong!This is what our friend Dick Carleton says about this rifle:'This is a odd ball that a friend of mine showed up with a couple of days ago. I thought it was another cut down trap door rifle until I looked it over a bit. The barrel has been unscrewed and replaced with a wooden one up to the last 8' or something like that. The tip is original.

What we found is they were called fencing rifles and were used in bayonet practice, guess when it got close and the single shot thing wasn't working out well the old bayonet got handy. Anyway, they were actually built by Uncle Sam, probably from rifles that had bad bores or something that made them unusable otherwise. Best, Dick'Don't you wish Uncle Sam were so frugal today?

RobAlso known as, was a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union. General speculation from insiders alleges that the system remains in use in post-Soviet Russia. An example of deterrence, it can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity and overpressure sensors.

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By most accounts, it is normally switched off and is supposed to be activated during dangerous crises only; however, it is said to remain fully functional and able to serve its purpose whenever needed. Thanks to Red RabeneckMost cars today have electric door openers and electric windows.

So, what happens to you if you find yourself upside down in a river with no juice? I just bought a bunch of these- one for each front side pocket of all the cars in my family.Thanks to John Campbellremember these now forgotten things.Thanks to John CampbellThanks to John CampbellTaillight and Fins quiz This is fun, when cars had a personality!!! Pass it on to the car nut. See how you do!! (Average score is apparently 68- I got 74)(Remember the Mad Magazine picture of the fin cutting someone in half?).


Rob Mouat Kindle ConundrumTwo months ago I wrote that we are considering some sort of electronic version of our printed catalogs, manuals and books. The newsletter goes to over 20,000 people all over the world but I got only two email replies to the question, one for and one against such an idea. So, after such a resounding response I want to change the question and askIf we were to offer Kindle format compendiums of our reprints (available for android tablets and telephones) would they be useful to you at, for example, gun shows to see if what the seller is saying matches what the maker sold in any particular year? Possibly we could combine all Winchester catalogs from say 1873-1900 and sell them as a Kindle file you could carry and open on your phone or tablet. Other Winchester files could be made for different groups of years such as 1900-1925, 1925-1950 etc. We could do the same thing for other makers as well. Would such files be useful despite the fact that you could not print them and would you buy them?

Email me by clicking on the image of my email address.Rob Mouat. Arms Heritage MagazineThe Sisterdate Revolver – An article by Frank GravesThere are many antique firearms loosely described as “unique”. There are very few that can truly be called unique, one of the best examples of such a thing would be the little- known Sisterdale Revolver.Sisterdale is a small South Texas town (current population of 13) that is 13 miles from the much larger metropolis of Boerne, Texas (population of 11,000). This area of Kendall County, Texas is about 25 miles northwest of San Antonio – so now with a recognizable close-by town name, the reader gets a sense of the area where this revolver was conceived and manufactured.Sisterdale, Texas is known as the region where Jack Hayes’ “Big Fight”, also known as “The Battle of Walker’s Creek”, occurred in June of 1844. About 14 members of the Texas Rangers had a battle with a band of marauding Comanches numbering about 70 or 80 warriors.

This battle is especially significant as Colt Paterson revolvers, obtained from the Texas Navy, were for the first time used to great success in winning the battle against such overwhelming odds. The iconic Jack Hayes was commanding the troops with one of his notable officers, one Samuel Walker, who soon thereafter became famous as the namesake of the Colt Walker Revolver.The success of the battle, due to the use of Colt’s repeating pistols, opened the door for Walker’s collaboration with the then-broke and bankrupt Samuel Colt and helped establish a governmental contract with Colt (Eli Whitney provided the actual factory) for a contract of 1,000 Model 1847 revolvers. These are now known as the Walker Colt and that led to Samuel Colt becoming successful in the firearms business. The battle was commemorated by Colt using a rendition of that battle on the cylinder scene of the Colt Walker and Dragoon revolvers.One of the earliest residents of Sisterdale, Texas was Dr.

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Ernst Kapp (pronounced “Kopp”), one of the early German Free Thinkers. His home still exists today, some 10 miles from the home of this writer. It is a very historic part of South Texas lore and is the home to the truly unique revolver known as the Sisterdale Revolver, of which there is but one known example.During the Civil War, which many people in the day had long anticipated, able people such as Dr. Kapp realized that weapons would be needed for the war. These folks began envisioning what they considered superior weapons, and of the lucky few with the wherewithal to fund an expensive weapons factory, Dr.

Kapp believed that he could produce a handgun that would be of value to the Texas State Guard as well as the Confederacy.His son Alfred Kapp had lived in the northeast and had apparently spent some time working at the factory of Samuel Colt in Hartford, Connecticut in the mid 1850s. Alfred certainly by then gained some gunmaking expertise from the preeminent firearms maker of the day and had probably learned from other prominent makers as well.As the fight in Texas had now begun, Dr. Kapp decided to use the experience of his son Alfred to help equip the small Ward’s Regiment.

The soldiers of Company F of that regiment were able and wanted to make sure that they had good weapons. Since Alfred Kapp was knowledgeable and since Dr. Kapp had a farm and shop facilities to act as a factory, six men of Company F of Ward’s Regiment, who presumably also had some weapons making experience went to work to design a build what became known as the Sisterdale Revolver.The whole story is told in the forthcoming August issue of Arms heritage Magazine. Subscriptions are still available at the low price of $19 per year. This is unquestionably the best bargain in arms literature. Subscribers not only receive the next six issues but have full access to all five years of back issues.

You can download, read, save or print out all or parts of any current or back issue. Check out our website, and look at a sample issue free.With the help of we have produced “Annual Compendiums” of our first five years of publication. We have removed all commercial advertising and redundant material and the volumes are now pure articles on arms and related topics.Check in at. New Books and Special ThanksYou can always see the reprints added during the last six months by clicking on the link to my website. Special thanks to Bill Foster, Joe Kline and Roger Thurman for letting us borrow their wonderful old catalogs and manuals to copy.- this is a splendid pioneer story, worth reading (but missing page 20)!- great collection of WWII surplus goodsDon't see what you want?Short Manuals:.This requires Adobe Reader, which is free.Those on dial up, beware - it is a large download.

Letters from ReadersHello, I have what is probably a silly question, but does this manual show every little spring, pin and screw? The long story in short format is that I sent a beautiful shooting little 63 to be re-blued, and due to circumstances beyond my control, I received everything back in little baggies. The bluing looks wonderful, and all the parts look to have been carefully cleaned, reblued and cared for, but nothing is organized. For example, one bag has 9 springs of varying sizes.

I though I was capable, and maybe I could if I didn't mind putting it together wrong 100 time until I finally got it right! I just need schematics that show where each little pin, spring and part goes. Most manuals (like the owners manual), only shows how to disassemble the major parts. I need the entire trigger and bolt groups. Do you think your manual is that detailed? If so, I'll take it! Thanks so much for your time!

Sincerely, Lance frogholrr (Ebay)Dear Lance, You poor guy. Well, This is the best manual for complete takedown and assembly I've seen for the so with a little luck and some imagination it should do the job for you. Besides, it is only $10 so it won't break the bank. I'd go for it and good luck! Cheers, RobPS the manual shows how to take the gun apart in exquisite detail so, just to be on the safe side if you are a little uncertain about gun assembly, may I also suggest you buy the. This catalog clearly shows the parts placement but not the tools or techniques to use for reassembly (those are in the other manual).

Cheers, RobHello, Does this manual have a stapled spine? Also are the page colors correct for an aged look to them? Regards, Terry vintageyz432 (Ebay)Terry, Yes, we staple the spine but to be clear, we don't make forgeries of originals. They are color scans but not necessarily on original paper and the colors may not be perfectly the same as originals.

We try to preserve the history and make reasonable facsimiles of material that is hard to find. If you want a perfect replica of the original, this is not for you. Cheers, RobHello, Do you, by chance, have a copy of a S&W M60 Manual stamped by Bangor Punta? Thanks, Mark.I found one by googleing 'S&W M60 Manual stamped by Bangor Punta'. If you want a print copy let me know and I can make you one for a few dollars.

Cheers, RobHow original will that look? Thanks, Mark markelliot53 (Ebay)Dear Mark, Well, it is an original but the image shows some wear and, quite honestly, it wouldn't be worth the time for us to restore it to original condition because we might sell one or two a year for what, five bucks each? We make it clear that our business is to preserve the information of old catalogs and manuals, not to make forgeries of originals which upsets ephemera collectors. Check out gunbroker to see if they have an original you could buy. Cheers, RobHi Abby, As I mentioned, I have been working with Bob Beach at Griffin & Howe to compile research on the Winchester Model 69's sold by A&F. By compiling all the data I have prepared a cost sheet which includes the actual A&F wholesale and retail prices of the Model 69 from 1935-1964.

I bought the 1938 and 1940 to verify the retail prices as indicated in the A&F ledgers. The one in question is the 1940. I also own copies of the 1935, 1936, 1937 and 1941. They are all consistent and contain the correct firearms of the year with the correct prices.The 1940 from you appears to contain the content of the 1934 catalog.

I suspect this because the Model 69 is not even listed in it but it is in the previous 1938, 1937, 1936, 1935 and subsequent 1941 catalog (the Model 69 was introduced in 1935). In fact, ALL of the Winchester rifles listed for sale in the '1940' are of 1934 vintage. Some other examples of 1934 vintage rifles in the '1940' catalog include the Model 54 instead of the Model 70, the Model 03 and 63 (together) which were only offered concurrently in 1934/1935. Additionally, some of the pricing indicates 1934 pricing. I can't give you any examples from the other firearms or equipment as I have no knowledge about stuff other than Winchester rifles (I guess you could call me narrow-minded).Again, I don't think it was a 'carryover' because the appropriate model 69's (and other rifles) were correctly listed in the previous 4 catalogs and in the subsequent 1941 catalog.

My best guess is that it is simply a 1940 cover on a 1934 catalog. Possibly a coincidence but it is interesting to note that the 1934 catalog is the one you don't have listed in your inventory.

I was only using the 1938 and 1940 as a double-check on the physical A&F ledgers and my spreadsheet so it does not affect my research or upcoming book on the Model 69 in any way but I just wanted to give you a heads up about the possible issue regarding the '1940' A&F catalog. Hope that helps. Best Regards, Jeff AbendshienHi Jeff, In catalogs that do not have a date printed in the catalog I tend to accept the dates given me by the owner of the catalog or the date hand written inside. If I guess the date I use c1940 in the description. So, based on what you are saying I think the 1940 is actually a 1934 and I will re-date it as that using the 'c' designation. Thanks so much for your help and knowledge. Cheers, Abby(Dear Abby) Manufacture d'Armes des Pyrennes- Unique c1985, Is this a catalog or a series of Manual of Arms?

Richard CooledgeDear Richard, It is a catalog but with exploded parts views of most weapons. There is an index with the ad. Abby(Dear Abby) Ref: Item #1400, Harrington & Richardson Arms 1962 Component Parts Catalog. Is there an exploded view like the example shown (e.g., the model 49 - Topper) for the model 349 Gamester? I need to replace the magazine tube on mine. Max PetersonMax, For the Gamester and the Huntsman (same thing) they used the old flat parts plan view. I don't know if an exploded parts view was ever done for that model.

AbbyHi, I've juster ordered the 3 books 'Breechloading Shotguns 1830-1949 Vol I-III from you via ebay. My paypal account is connected to an US address (JetCarrier, xxx, Linden NJ 07036) however, I'll kindly ask you to send the 3 books to my Norwegian address as follows: Bjorn Unhjem, xxx, Norway.

Thank you in advance! Bjornkingfisher: (Ebay)Hello Bjornkingfisher - the postage to the Norway would be twice as much as you paid to ship in the US. Overseas mail has gone up in price very high. Please let me know what to do since eBay and PayPal allows me to only ship to the address requested in the purchase and the payment, which is New Jersey.

Kindest regards, AbbyHello again, If possible with shipment directly to Norway I'm accepting the extra postage. Payment via PayPal will be fine to me - your email-address and the amount will be needed. I'm looking forward in hearing from you again!Dear bjorn.Thank you for your note. I am sorry Paypal and Ebay will not allow me to ship to a different address than the one you used to purchase the books. I will have to refund your money. You can purchase the books from your account with your address in Norway if you like or if you don't have an account can set one up easily.

I am sorry for the inconvenience but we just lost $220 on a similar situation with a lady in Germany and we cannot afford to repeat that. Cheers, Rob (We shipped to New Jersey)(Dear Abby) Redfield Receiver-Mounted Peep Sight #102. I am looking for a Redfield catalog that contains info in the subject sight.

It appears to be an early sight from the 1920s to 1940s possibly. Can you identify it in any of your catalogs? If so, I will purchase the catalog.

Please advise with thanks. John TincoffJohn, Well, let's see, I have some time before dinner, I’ll check the 20s-40s. There are 102K, M1, R, W, M, RW, 102 for Winchester Models 1892, 1894, 1895, 1886, 71, 53, 55, Savage M1899, M39, 102-CC, CM, Models 56, 57 and 69 Winchester, Model 50 Marlin, Remington Models 14, 141, 24, 12 &25, 102-GG, GM sights for Models 1919, 1923 and 1933 Savage, 102-AA and 102AM for Remington M33, 34, 41 and 341. Winchester Models 60 and 60-A; Savage Model 3; Ranger no. 34 and Western field Single shot B.A. 102BB and 102 BM for Savage M4; Springfield M56 and Western Field Box Mag Repeater.

102-RR and 102-RM sights for Savage M3-B Single Shot. Nos 102EE and 102-EM for Winchester M 03 and 63.22 Auto. Ah, here we go, 102, B, J, R, T, D, E,F.W, L, V, H, M, K, O, S, RW, AA, AM, BB, BM, CC, CM, EE, EM, GG, GM, RR, RM. You were just joking with me though weren't you because the 102n is in the 1962 catalog? RobAbby, Hope business and life are very well with you!

I submitted an online query re a Redfield Receiver-mounted peep sight model 102 'N' as to whether or not it is in any of your Redfield catalogs. Can you pls check your 1930s catalogs and advise? If it is listed in one of your catalogs, I would like to combine that purchase with (others): Thanks and regards, JohnRob, I recently purchased then sight on ebay, and the seller's item description was 'REDFIELD 102 'N' RECEIVER SIGHT FOR REMINGTON MODELS 8 AND 81' I have no knowledge of this product so I thought to look on your website.



Hope your dinner was pleasurable and fulfilling! Thanks again, with best regards, JohnHi John, As I said, the 102N is listed in the 1962 catalog as being for the 8 and 81 Remington. Dinner was very nice, thank you.

Rob(Dear Abby) Speer 1959 Wildcat Rifle Loads Volume 4 - does this cover the 6.5 300 i hands a 6.5 300 weartherby and an looking for load info ballistics etc. 1636alan (Ebay)Dear 1636 No it doesn't. What would serve you best is the Ackley book on reloading with all the specs on the Weatherby-Wright Magnum cartridge: Handbook for Shooters & Reloaders Vol II 1966 Ackley-Wildcat Rob(Dear Abby) Thought I'd let you know. I have a 16 Gauge Auto-5 whose serial number indicates it was made between June and December, 1929. Based on its May 1929 publishing date, this is most likely the same manual that would have been supplied with my A5 back when it was new. No idea any had survived, so I'm glad you were able to preserve it and make copies will be a really neat addition to my A5 collection. Thanks again, Bulldog-fan (Ebay)Hi there!

I would be interested in purchasing Kindle versions of some items. While I prefer hard copies, and very much appreciate all the work you do to make them available, sometimes having a digital version would be handy. Steve C.Dear Steve, I am working on the possibility of making Kindle versions of some catalogs. It would be no easy task because of the time and expense involved. What sort of titles would interest you. Does it make sense to combine makes into one catalog or to make collections of merchant catalogs by say decade? What sort of price point would be appealing (Amazon wants a healthy chunk!).

Some guidance would be a lot of help and thanks for responding. RobDear Rob, I dearly love my Kindle and literally read from it constantly.

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However, when it comes to reference materials and books on guns, outdoors, archery, fishing, etc. I prefer printed documents. I really enjoyed getting for instance some of the old Bear Archery reprint catalogs, that I once had as originals, that show bows I own. Same for guns. Electronic books may be here to stay, but I want paper for some things.

Thanks for your great company and service. BobDear Bob: Package came today!

I could not wait to open it but will not go to series looking until tomorrow when I am at leisure! What a wonderful thing you have done to brighten an old man's life; just looking at the cover of the Catalog started memories of hundreds of boyhood hours spent at the old Bannerman's store on 35d Ave under the long-gone 'El' in NYC.I will get a check off to you in tomorrow's mail. I cannot thank you enough for the actual l965 original which will go into Museum Archives along with my copy of the l936. The other two reprints o will go to my son and my grandson and their eyes will open wide when they see them; they have heard about Bannerman's from me many times!Again, I cannot thank you enough for the thoughtful contents of that box and will keep in touch. George JohnstonDear Rob, Interesting that I found this (in the June newsletter). I wore the Captain of the AC-47 SPOOKY (aka: PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON) Vietnam MIA Bracelet for many, many years. Captain Dennis Eilers and crew were shot down during the Vietnam War on December 24, 1965, and just recently around 2012 or so their remains were finally found.

I now have my Capt. Dennis Eilers bracelet sitting on my computer stand so I can always remember him.

Dave Monahan AKA: ShotgunpeopleEmail us by clicking on the image below. Rants and RavesThis month's winner is:I received my manual today in perfect condition. It was for the feinwerkbau model 65,80 air pistol. Your description of the manual in your ad does not state that it is printed in the German language. I would like to have a refund on my purchase as I am an American and I only speak and read English. Dear dwk45,Please look again at the manual. It is written in German, English and French as the description says.

Ashrae standard 70 2006 pdf writer online. This standard includes the specifications for test instruments,facilities, installations, and procedures and methods ofcalculation for determining aerodynamic performance and soundgeneration of air outlets and air inlets.The test methods in this standard apply to both isothermal andnon-isothermal conditions.PURPOSEThe purpose of this standard is to define laboratory methods oftesting air outlets and air inlets used to terminate ducted andunducted systems for distribution and return of building air.

The top text is German, followed by an English paragraph and then French. This follows throughout the manual.Please write back with any other questions.Cheers, Rob MouatTo see pages of Rants and Raves, and my replies, go to. Notes for New Readers (useful info repeated each month)At the you will find many gunmaker 'master pages' listing all the catalog reprints of one brand. To the right of each 'master page' are names of catalogs by merchants who carried that brand of firearms. For example, we reprint over 60 but we also reprint over 160 gun catalogs from merchants that sold Remington firearms such as Sears or Abercrombie & Fitch or Spalding.

Those are the listings on the right of the page.Using the merchant links, you can identify a catalog from just about any year that displays the Remington line and by looking at the individual page indexes you can figure out what models were made in what year without spending a dime. Of course I would be happy to sell you those catalogs too! Most major gunmakers have a 'master page' and we are adding more all the time. How to pay for things on the internet while using your credit card with some safety. You have to make certain the site accepting your credit card is secure.

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Normally the site URL begins with http: etc. But a secure site has a different beginning. It starts with https. The 'S' means the site is using encryption software and it is pretty safe to send your card information to the company if you trust the company! By the way, do not send your credit card information in an email. Emails are NOT secure!Many folks call me to give me an order over the telephone because they 'don't like to use their credit cards on the internet'.

Well, every time you use your credit card at stores, banks, gas stations, restaurants or anywhere else, the transaction is recorded on the internet! Do you trust the company you are giving the info to?