Byterun Builder For Php Crackers

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Byterun Builder For Php Crackers Free

Byterun Builder For Php Crackers Download
Table of Contents.1. Build a Windows excutable on Ubuntu Step 1: Install wine and Python sudo apt-get install wine winetrickswinetricks python# Python installation directory$ cd /.wine/drivec/Python26Note that python26 is installed, not including pip (is used to install pyinstaller). Fortunately, newer Python versions already include pip. Choose the proper version from (for me, python-2.7.10.msi) and install it on wine by: $ wine msiexec /i python-2.7.10.msi /L.v log.txtStep 2: Install PyInstaller on wine $ cd /.wine/drivec/Python27$ wine python.exe Scripts/pip.exe install pyinstallerSuccessfully installed pyinstaller-3.1.1 pypiwin32-219Step 3: Package Python scriptsPackage Python scripts (e.g., with pyinstaller. # run `pyinstaller` under the same directory as Python scripts$ wine /.wine/drivec/Python27/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe -onefile filename:!/usr/bin/env python# -.- coding: utf-8 -.-print('Hello World!' )The Windows executable file is located in dist/. $ wine dist/HelloWorld.exeHello World!fixme:msvcrt:cleantypeinfonamesinternal (0x1e24e5b8) stub2.
Byterun Builder For Php Crackers List
Troubleshooting 2.1 ImportError: No module namedI package a Python script imported openpyxl, but encounter the issue ImportError: No module named openpyxl while running the Windows exculable. $ cd /.wine/drivec/Python27/Scripts/dist$ wine ProcessSpreadsheet.exeTraceback (most recent call last):File ', line 4, in ImportError: No module named openpyxlProcessSpreadsheet returned -1fixme:msvcrt:cleantypeinfonamesinternal (0x1e24e5b8) stubTo tackle this issue, append the openpyxl path ( /.wine/drivec/Python27/Lib/site-packages) to pathex in the Analysis object in the application spec file ( ProcessSpreadsheet.spec). # Step 1: install the python module, openpyxl$ wine python.exe Scripts/pip.exe install openpyxl# Step 2: add the `openpyxl` patha = Analysis('',pathex='C:Python27Scripts', '/.wine/drivec/Python27/Lib/site-packages',binaries=None,datas=None,hiddenimports=,hookspath=,runtimehooks=,excludes=,winnopreferredirects=False,winprivateassemblies=False,cipher=blockcipher)# Step 3: rebuild$ wine pyinstaller.exe ProcessSpreadsheet.specReferences:1AskUbuntu:2StackOverflow:3StackOverflow.