Community Custody Program Florida

4(a) A mission description shall be prepared for each facility of the Department of Corrections to which an inmate can be assigned. The mission description shall be based upon such factors as staffing patterns, perimeter security, construction features, electronic monitoring capability, type of health services provided, available programs, and any other factors that may affect the security and safety of the staff, inmates, or the general public. The mission descriptions shall be used to aid in the assignment of inmates to facilities in a manner which will best enable the department to maintain security and order. Inmate evaluation and facility assignment shall be based upon such factors as nature and severity of offense, characteristics of sentence, criminal history, age, health status, and any other factor relating to the security and order of the institution or the security and safety of the general public. An inmate shall be assigned to a facility that can provide appropriate security and supervision, that can meet the health needs of the inmate as identified by the department’s health services staff, and, to the extent possible, can meet the inmate’s need for programs and is near the location of the inmate’s family.
The Secretary may modify the mission of any facility to meet changing needs in response to changes in population characteristics, or in the event of riot, emergency conditions or other circumstances affecting security and safety of the general public, staff, and inmates. 1332(3) Review of Inmates Who Have Special Needs. The secretary shall appoint a special needs committee in central office to review those cases in which inmates have been determined by medical services as having special medical needs or inmates who are elderly and have special needs that may be in conflict with the custody levels authorized. The special needs committee will evaluate the special needs, the custody requirements, and the institutional placement best suited to meet an inmate’s needs. This committee has the authority to make the final assignment that meets the inmate’s needs within the medical and facility resources of the department. This may include a special custody exception on a case by case basis.
Inmates identified as having special needs or requiring special review shall be recommended to the impaired inmate special needs coordinator in the central office who will coordinate with classification services and refer each case to the special needs committee. The special needs committee shall be comprised of the Chairperson of the State Classification Office, the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, and the Impaired Inmate Coordinator for Health Services.
Child Custody State Of Florida
Committee decisions shall be reviewed by the Secretary. 1654(c) 1655All inmates are required to appear for assessments and reviews unless a permanent medical condition makes them incapable of participating and the reason is documented in the review. Under any other circumstances, the assessment and review shall be rescheduled if the inmate fails to appear or is temporarily unavailable to attend as scheduled. An inmate shall be notified a minimum of forty-eight hours in advance of an assessment and review unless the inmate waives such notice in writing.
1733All inmates shall be scheduled for assessments at least every 12 months. Close management documentation may be substituted for the required assessments. 2130(m) The department may in selected cases recommend to the Florida Commission on Offender Review that an inmate be placed on parole at an earlier date than scheduled. Note should be made of an inmate’s presumptive parole release date (PPRD) when considering such possibilities.
Community Control Levels
If it is felt that such significant progress has taken place since the setting of the PPRD that it should be moved forward to an earlier date, then such recommendations should be made to the Florida Commission on Offender Review in an assessment and review setting forth the basis for recommending a change in the PPRD. All assessments and reviews containing parole recommendations will be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the Institutional Classification Team and forwarded to the State Classification Office for approval or disapproval. The assessment and review shall then be submitted to the Chief of the Bureau of Classification Management who, on behalf of the Secretary, shall make a recommendation to the Florida Commission on Offender Review. A copy of the report shall be forwarded to the Florida Commission on Offender Review.2309Rulemaking Authority, 2314Law Implemented, 2323History–New 12-7-81, Formerly 33-6.09, Amended 6-8-82, 10-26-83, 6-8-86, 7-8-86, 10-27-88, 1-1-89, 7-4-89, 10-12-89, 1-2-91, Formerly 33-6.009, Amended 7-21-91, 8-30-92, 5-13-96, 6-12-96, 11-19-96, 10-15-97, Formerly 33-6.0045, Amended 9-19-00, 2-25-07, 11-4-08, 7-4-10, 8-12-12, 7-14-14.