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A subreddit for anything related to Norway!About to ask a question? Please check theSubmittal Guidelines.When posting images, make sure to include the location in the title,include the resolution in brackets in the title.Use a descriptive title.Do not submit a shortened link using a URL shortener like tinyurl.Do not post any personal information about you or other. Personal information will be removed by moderators.Original source is preferred.Other Norway Related Subreddits:Want to Learn Norwegian?Want to listen to Norwegian Music?Our Neighbors:Part of the Erasmus Exchange Programme?Related SubredditsFeel free to contact the moderators for any question you might have. Hei!I will be living in Norway for a year and have really enjoyed my first month here. It's just great!I'm living and working in Sogn og Fjordane and will therefore be learning Nynorsk.

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I had some lessons so far and learned by just listening to people who refuse to speak English with me (understanding it is okay, when spoken really slowly, because I'm from Germany).Now I was wondering if there are any TV-Shows or Movies which are in Nynorsk, good and - if possible - with subtitles? I think it could be a good way to improve my language skills.Tusen Takk!Edit: Maybe I should make clear, that I meant programmes where people speak a dialect close to Nynorsk/The Dialects spoken in Sogn og Fjordane.