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Phase I - Cut and FillSite Planning - Phase I Cut and Fill Marianne ParsonsWhen planning the design and construction ofa building, architects and engineers must first consider the existingconditions of the site. Most often, the given site is not leveland must be modified before any construction can begin. So, thecut and fill process is typically one of the first constructionprocesses to take place on a site.Without computer software to determine theamount of land to be added or removed, we can do simple calculationsto estimate the cut and fill volume of any site.
First, the siteis divided into sections. Essentially, the site is 'sliced'into segments of land, at a specified fixed distance apart, sowe can look at each segment individually. Section cuts are drawnbased on the topography of the land in order to accurately representthe land that is being evaluated.The topography map describes the existing slopesof the land, and allows us to draw site elevations in our sectioncuts.Each line on the topography map representsa change in elevation of 10 feet. So the section at 0ft (the reddashed line above) looks like this in elevation:Then, by removing the elevation lines, we getthe following section for the existing site elevation:Now that we have two dimensional section cuts,we can estimate the area to be cut and filled in the site.On each section cut the desired land topography is representedas a 'cut line' overlaid on the line of the existingland topography. This gives us two lines on every section, andshows us how much of the existing area must be removed or added.Then, the area between these lines is calculated to find the cutand fill areas for each section.The diagrams below represent the area betweenthe existing elevation line and the cut line.
First, we mark theland that must be added to the site to achieve our desiredland topography. This area is marked 'fill.' Next, we mark the land that must be removedfrom the site to achieve our desired land topography. This areais marked 'cut.' By combining the two diagrams, we can see beginto estimate how much land area must be cut from the site, andhow much land area must be filled in the site to level the sitefor construction. Now, once the section areas have been found,we must account for the additional length of the site (the landbetween the section cuts) to be able to estimate the volumeof the land cut or filled.
Finally, after computing the necessaryvalues we are able to determine not only how much land must beremoved from or brought to the site, but also where that landmust be specifically taken from or brought to. Removing or addingland to any site is a costly process, so it is important thatour estimations be made as close to the existing conditions aspossible. Once we know how much land to cut or fill, and whereto cut and fill it, work can begin to properly level the siteand construct our building.SITE AREAThe following activity uses the mathematicalconcepts of estimating area and volume to solve a realistic cutand fill problem. Each two-dimensional section cut is overlaidwith a grid to allow us to estimate the area between the existingelevation line and the cut line.To estimate area, we can divide the area underthe curve into rectangles and then find the area of each rectangle.Refer to the diagram below for the process of drawing rectangles.Consistency in drawing the rectangles is very important to ensureproper balance between over and under estimation of area.
Sinceall of the intervals are the same width of 10ft, the only estimatingthat you will need to do is with the height of each rectangle.For this exercise estimate the height to the nearest 2 1/2 feet(or 1/4 of the 10' X 10' square).By removing the grid lines, it is easy to seethe areas of the rectangles that we will be estimating. Sincethese rectangles will represent and overestimation in some parts,and an underestimation in others, we will consistently draw ourrectangles and not worry about the area between the lines thatare missed.The diagrams below represent two differentways rectangles can be drawn between the existing elevation lineand the cut line.
The process of left and right estimation indicatethe direction in which the rectangles that meet the curve andare drawn.SITE VOLUMETo estimate the volume, we use the area thathas been determined (as width and height) and then multiply bythe distance between each section (depth). Note that the firstand last section is on the site boundary. Notice also that theseboundary sections only have a volume on one of their sides.The remaining sections between the boundaries have land volumeon each side. See the diagram below. The solid lines referto our section cuts, and the dashed lines refer to the midpointbetween the section cuts. The volume for section cut 0ft is shadedbelow.ESTIMATE THE AREA1. Use the smaller grid lines at 10 feet toestimate the amount of land area that must be cut or filled foreach site section.
Identify and label the areas of thesection that are to be cut or filled. Be sure to include the properunits in each of your answers.a) b) c) d) e)2. How would the area estimates change if wechose to divide the site sections into 1 foot increments, as opposedto the 10 foot increments used above?
Which grid size would producean area estimate closer to the actual area of our site? ESTIMATE THE VOLUME1. Assuming our site has boundary lines atsection cut 0ft and at section cut 100ft, evaluatethe volume of land that must be cut or filled for each of thefive sections.
Use the corresponding areas you found for eachsection in question 1. Think about how you would determine thesite depth to find volume? Use the image on page 2 to visualizethe volume of the land. Be sure to include the proper units ineach of your answers.a) section 0fttotal cut volume:total fill volume:b) section 25fttotal cut volume:total fill volume:c) section 50fttotal cut volume:total fill volume:d) section 75fttotal cut volume:total fill volume:e) section 100fttotal cut volume:total fill volume: 2. Now, write a general expression for thevolume of land at a boundary line in terms of area.(i.e. Volume = Area.
ft). Briefly explain your answer. Write a general expression for the volume ofland at section cut that is not a boundary linein terms of area. Volume = Area. ft). Briefly explainyour answer. 3. How would the estimates change if you choseto cut the site into ten 10ft sections rather than four 25ft sections?How would this affect our area estimate for each cut section asrelated to the actual site conditions? ESTIMATE THE COST1.
As site developers, we must figure out howmuch land will be moved on our site. By finding the sum of volumeto cut, and the sum of volume to fill, we can use the differenceto determine whether we need to add or remove land from our site.a) What is the sum of the volume of land thatmust be cut from the site? b) What is the sum of the volume of land thatmust be filled on the site? c) What is the total volume of land that mustbe added or removed from the entire site? 2. Finally, to develop our site we are requiredto add or remove the volume of land calculated in question 1cabove.
To move this land, we must hire dump trucks. Therefore,it is important for us to know how many dump truck loads willbe required to reasonably estimate the cost to level the site.a) If the dimensions of a dump truck bed are10 feet high, 8 feet wide, and 15 feet long, how many cubic feetof land can one dump truck carry? b) How many dump truck loads are requiredto level our site? 3. To remove a dump truck load from a site,the cost is $50. However, to add land to our site, the cost is$100 per load- $50 for transportation, and $50 to purchase theadditional land.a) What is the total cost for adding/removingland from our site? b) As a site planner, we would like to offerthe client recommendation on how to reduce this cost. What practicalrecommendations can be made to lower our cost? Why? Click below to use GSP filesfor this activity:section cuts:.