Scott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Chrome

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TheScott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Chrome

'I cried because I did not have an office with a door, until I met a man who had no cubicle.' - Dilbert'After your boss has taken away your door, your walls, and your storage areas, there aren't many options left for the next revolution in office design. One of the following things is likely to go next: the floor; the ceiling; your happiness.I think the floor will stay, but only because your company would have to dig a huge hole all the way to the other side of the earth to get rid of it. As you can imagine, a huge hole through the earth would represent a serious threat to office productivity.' From The Joy of Work by Scott AdamsRead by Scott Adams.

“People hate change, and with good reason. Change makes us stupider, relatively speaking.

Scott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Chrome Version


Scott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Chrome Full

Our knowledge -as a percentage of all the things that can be known- goes down a tick every time something changes.And frankly, if we're talking about a percentage of the total knowledge in the universe, most of us aren't that many basis points superior to our furniture to begin with. I hate to wake up in the morning only to find that the intellectual gap between me and my credenza has narrowed. That's no way to start the day.”―Scott Adams.