Johnny G Spinning Instructor Manual
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- Spin Instructor Certification Philadelphia
- Johnny G Spinning Instructor Manual Free
I think more broad public health questions are in order. What are the health benefits of cardiovascular workouts? How do people start and maintain and continue cardiovascular workouts? How do we start to reverse type 2 diabetes & obesity? THESE are the questions that matter. These are the questions Jennifer Sage SHOULD be asking, rather than her self-protecting, self-absorbed anti-anything but sit & Spin rhetoric.I find traditional road ready indoor cycle classes tortuously Boring.
I would sit on my couch before getting up to attend one of these classes.I love indoor cycle classes that ride to the beat of the music and incorporate all planes of motion & upper body movements & add ons in class. I have been attending these classes for over 5 years now and they are incredibly FUN & motivating for me.There is a certification for this style of indoor cycle class called Beat Boss Biking with Madter Instructors & trainers as it’s founder and it is fully accredited.Indoor cycle classes with upper body add ons are HIGHLY effective cardiovascular workouts. These classes have all the health benefits that they need to have. The positive health effects are lowered resting pulse, lowered blood pressure, high caloric burn, increased lung capacity, promotion of weight loss (with of course calorie reduction), and increased fascial fitness as well as improved range of motion.Indoor cycle classes with upper body and ons are safe. Have you ever seen a ghost bike in a studio from an added press during an indoor cycle class? Neither have I. However, I see ghost bikes up all over the Twin Cities from outdoor road cycling accidents.
Jennifer Sage promotes outdoor cycling which can cause death and serious long-term disability, yet she loses her diplomacy over aNon-life threatening chest press on a stationary bike?Presses and other upper body movements and riding to the best of the music is safe, and highly effective for health. It is safer or as safe as Zumba, Football, CrossFit, basketball, yoga, outdoor cycling, step class, or running.This notion of safety and ineffectiveness is only promoted by selfish road ready outdoor cyclists who feel threatened, jealous, and insecure in their own abilities and class attendance.I will go back to where I started in this reply; motivation, health improvements, fun, and increased exercise and activity should be the focus of the discussion and not bitterness and anger and jealousy. There is room on the playground for everybody. There is no indoor cycle God or Goddess. There should be altruism and encouragement instead. The video’s are showing some very poor techniques in my opinion.However in my opinion the author of this article states their opinion as if it were a factGuess what its your opinion get over yourselfThe reality being one size does not fit all with exercise or classes.
As body types (including ailments) and desires what someone wants to achieve from a lead classSounds to me like you only want people doing indoor cycling movements advocated by the “Spinning” brand.Honestly I read this article and it gave the impression you were being so judgmental and does make me question the authors knowledge on Anatomy/ Physiology & Bio Mechanics.Sorry if it sounds harsh but I have to say it as I see it! I have been reading many of Jennifer Sage's commentary and advice, and have to say that I agree with all that she is saying. Her mantra and beliefs are about safety, and safety first, regardless of what or where (indoor or outdoor )you ride. Keeping it real and simple (but challenging) has positive has long lasting effects, and it works for all fitness levels. Jennifer's uses words like (maybe not in the article) biomechanical and physiological.
These terms are HUGE importance when it comes to any form of exercise, so why would anyone want to implement contraindicative moves when it's bad for the body. In my classes, as in many other workout formats, I sometimes give my participants modifications.they do them if they can or have to. For example increase your resistance 2-3 notches about your flat road #, whomever is stronger or wants a challenge, it would be 3, if not, 2. Lastly, spinning/indoor cycling was created to simulate outdoor biking, and that's the way it should stay. There is a format that deviates from that it should be called something else. During the off-season, I do take Spinning. Indoor cycling workout classes but don’t ask me to simply pedal faster or slower, or harder.
I need more than that. I need more than pedaling to get thrilled on a spinning bike ‘cause I’m going nowhere! It is not necessarily a matter of who is leading the class, it is a matter of personal preferences. That’s how I am. I am also a runner. I hate the treadmill. I'm quite amazed and shocked by this article and the comments.
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Put aside those 2 videos and let's discuss what this 'snobish' article is all about: don't do anything on a spinning bike other than spinning 'cause Hey! Man, it's called a SPINNING bike!!! So don't you dare do anything else but pedal. Never, ever change the way people train!
Don't be creative! Do not evolve, you sheep!I have a question: when saying one shouldn't do anything that he doesn't do on a bike It’s like saying: keep doing your 15reps x 3 sets on your 8-apparatuses routine forever. But above all, stay away from those new trends like Crossfit or else. They are not good for you. You’ll get hurt!
Do your yoga, run away from hot yoga! Put mustard, relish, ketchup and maybe lettuce and tomatoes in your burger but nothing else! A veggie burger?!?!??! Burgers are made out of a beef patty. Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!I also would like to know: which type of bike are we talking about just here? ‘Cause you see, I am a mountain biker (mainly) and also a road rider.
Some friends of mine are more into downhill, bmx or trials. When riding a trail, I will put myself in positions I will never use on a road bike ‘cause it is a different type of bike. I have, on occasions, to stretch my arms, squat down and move quickly way low and behind my saddle to get down a steep chute. I also have to surge up on the bar to hop over a log or other obstacles. Something I rarely do a my road bike. My friends on dh rigs, trials or bmx bicycles will do different (and most of all more dangerous) moves on their bike.
So I ask you: what is acceptable, what’s not? Again, I am not talking about those 2 videos specifically because from what I understand, the meaning of this article goes way beyond what can be seen there. I spits on any other form of indoor cycling workouts that is different from what the original Spinning course is. That is what the article says.
If I am right, the term “Spinning” is a trademark, just like Crossfit is. So let’s simply talk about Indoor cycling group workouts. This has really only come home to me recently when I relocated, some of the instructor/leaders in my new spin groups were using something they called 'isolations' to the routine.
I took one look at what they were doing and started laughing, this is nothing you ever do on a bicycle unless you are showing off at a stop light or in a track match. I think the fundamental problem is that in the past 11 years that I have been attending spin sessions I've only known one instructor/leader that was actually a cyclist, and I think that real cyclists in their groups intimidate them, so now they are 'making-up' their own new indoor sport that will be unrelated to bicycling whatsoever. The funny part in all of this for me is that this is something that can be changed–its your workout that you pay for, if you don't like what the instructor/leader is doing you should make your concerns known to the people you are paying your money to. BRAVO!Thank you for saying what so many instructors wish everyone knew about the dangers and down right stupidity of doing anything on a bike beyond riding the bike. When preparing for an indoor cycling class I remind myself that if any move or position would be unnatural or unsafe while riding my street or mountain bike it probably shouldn't be performed on a stationary or spin bike.My favorite classes to participate in and lead are those which allow the riders to focus on the ride. Cycling is more than enough exercise for my heart, lungs, and so many muscles are engaged when proper form is practiced that there is no excuse for adding zigs and zags.
When I feel I need to work on other aspects of my personal fitness I can always participate in a strength and conditioning class, Pilates, Yoga,etc. Even more simple: I do core strengthening exercises and other toning exercises while watching TV or (at least) during commercial breaks, in a more controlled environment for such activities, and in privacy if I accidentally lose my grip on my resistance band.Thank you for letting down your 'diplomacy'. This information is vital to the indoor cycling community's continued success and the personal fitness and health success of all indoor cyclists. I took the Schwinn training course with Shannon Fable and was impressed by the fact that the curriculum stressed that indoor biking isn't necessarily the same as outdoor biking. The focus in the course was building solid, challenging workouts rather than an 'entertainment' experience. It was a solid course and full of really great ideas. We did two rides, lead by Shannon and they were the best spin workouts I've ever done.
If your workout is organized, challenging and people are dialed in, they don't need to be 'entertained'. Loads of good advice, none of which involved jumps, dancing, weights or anything like that. I'm coming into fitness late in life, as I was always the bookish, nerdy gal that got picked last for everything. My goal is to help people realize that a workout isn't a punishment but a reward unto itself and it can even be fun.
I'm glad I can help them on the journey and I want to do it correctly and with care with none of that cockamamie nonsense shown in the video. Most of the these comments sound really stuck upyou can't be for real when u think the people above are not exercising or losing weight?! Not everyone is out there to be muscle bound and professional.
Activity is keythese people could be sitting on their couch watching t.v. And find it more stimulating than the traditional cycling class where you go up the mountain and ride it outagainand againand againoh and stand up!
Same every week. These classes are exciting and although I do both tradition and exciting spin classesthe system I am currently training is also focused on form and strengthening certain body partsof course you can't do push ups riding your outdoor bike down by the river.get some perspective and lighten up. AT my gym we had a physiotherapist come in as a member and she complained about the spinning classes. We were not doing anything crazy like these videos but there was standing while spinning and hover and pushups.
After her complaint we could only do sitting while spinning for an hour. Nothing else. Classes that were impossible to get in before started having empty bikes. Many classes were cancelled for lack of interest and now they are getting rid of the entire program. The only bikes we will have available are recumbant and regular exercise bikes.
A really worthwhile post Jennifer – it winds me up rotten the bullshit that passes for exercise prescription and people like us should be much more vocal about it – my concerns have always till now been with the bs that is passed on relating to gym based stuff but we've just entered into the spinning world in shanghai, china (cos we love it) – all moves are all about cycling though – if the punters don't like it then frankly we'd rather they didn't come anywaykeep up the good workJon RobinsonBSc (Hons) Exercise Physiology. I am a spin instructor and also a personal trainer. I have been doing both very actively for more than 5 years now.
I teach many classes per week.everything from TRX to weight classes to Abs to Boot Camp. Along with everything else I do, I teach 3 spin classes per week.
THe people who come to my classes could give a rats ass about riding the bike as if they were training for a road race etc!! My classes are fun and stimulating. I make sure that my clients use proper form as not to hurt themselves. Without adding is some of the upper body stuff etc, most people lose interest quickly if they are not avid cyclists. I saybe safe but also keep it fresh and fun and stimulating!! Most of the women who take my classes have seen great results, weight loss, tighter leg, abs etc!!
No injuries at all!! They keep coming back for morethat is the key to fitnessconsistency!! Peggy,If your participants lose interest i'm afraid it's you and not the class. I'm a believer that if your a great instructor/role model – you participants will listen to you 100% of the time.There are probably 5 riders in my classes of over 50 participants in each class i teach (11 a week) but i teach a CYCLE class. Cycling involves the legs – Plain and simple!
I am a Triathlete so always ride and coach like we're on the road and use appropriate cues and guide all my participants throughout the class.Peggy – do you do Cycling in your TRX or Bootcamp classes? I would say probably not – So keep Cycle classes to just CYCLING.
Use your professionalism as an instructor and coach and your participants will love you more than some glorified aerobics instructor on a bike. I have read most of the posts here carefully. I am a Pilates Instructor and dance teacher (holistic, we look anatomically how the body is designed to move!) for 10 years and in the fitness industry for nearly 20 years. I used to Mountain bike and road bike many years ago. I am moving into my own studio and became interested in wanting to teach Studio cycling, my interest is now mainly for promoting weight loss. However I remember going to a spinning class over 10 years ago and my reaction was 'what the heck was that!'
For me it didnt resemble being on the road and hated it. But then again Im a purist, I also tried Body balance where its pilates and yoga to music choreographed and I walked out!So now after reading this I am more confused.
Shall I go to a local spinning class, but that may put me off again.what training would anyone recommend that is good sound knowledge in proper technique and interval training. (I also like the idea of the peak 8). As a Spin(t) Instructor (& ex BB) the answer is yes, if you go to a proper Spin program class, training at the correct%MHR to ensure fat burning. I have heard stories about this stuff going on but still shocked to see it. As a cycling instructor myself I feel like I am daily fighting the battle with people that don't understand the right way to ride (including fellow instructors). It seems like some cycling instructors want the class to be a race day every day then when I come to teach or sub for the class and I try to have a more focused ride thay say I am just to easy. It is nice to know that there are other instructors out there that feel the same way as I do about indoor cycling.
I considered my spin class choreographed, but I keep within spinning tradition. My philosophy is, and always will be. If you can't do it on a real road bike then don't do it at all. I have seen instructors pull out weights an have us do shoulder presses while riding and it drives me crazy. The clients that spend half of their time spinning backwards also, and won't budge no matter what you say to them. These videos were definitely insane and I can't wait to share them with my spinning partners.
Deanna, I have to politely ask if you can handle a technical descent or climb on a mountain bike. Or even have the right mechanics to keep it upright on an easy trail.
If you can, great, spin is a fun distraction for you. Dance and flap your arms to your heart's content. If not, please don't insult real cyclists/mountain bikers by clinging to the idea that you are going to achieve great strength, endurance, balance, agility, power, and speed in most spin classes. That's like thinking I could defend myself against a real attacker by taking a kickboxing class. Keep it real!;). I used to be a spin instructor- a good one.
I used to race mountain bikes (mostly DH) I stopped teaching for a while- but recently took a few classes here in my city. I don't think I would fit in as a teacher in this day and age- gone are the days when good pedaling form is taught, or HR is used as a training tool- where the purpose is to simulate training for a real, outdoor ride. (interval training is a lost art form) Classes are taught by fitness and yoga instructors- more core work and pushups than climbing, jumping and dancing to Lady Gaga- the class is taught by instructors who don't seem like they have ever ridden a bike outside before.The body mechanics taught would have you crashing over the bars or developing a knee injury. I wish I had the energy to fight this, (I am a busy grad student- and I don't feel like butting heads with fitness coordinators) this article gives me hope. Until then- I look for classes taught by real cyclists- maybe I just need to get out of the city. ANDY:I ride/race as well and I'm a dancer. Spin classes are to improve 'fitness'.Instructors who feel the need to entertain their clients to avoid boredom are often the ones whoare afraid of boredom themselves.
Creativity, however, is not about being STUPID.Creativity comes from adherence to the foundations of a safe and effective training program while engaging the rider in an intelligent, emotional dialogue with their own bodies across the topography of the class and the classes that accumulate across the training calendar. Okay, lets bust some assumptions.
The Maddogg training for certified 'spinning instructors' has quite a few things I'd never do on the road nor care to do on a spinning bike. The hand positions are nonsense, and the notion of 'running' is ridiculous. I've been on spinning bikes of one form or another for 20 years.
My preferred bikes are the LeMond revmasters – and the Maddogg folks say those bikes are horrible. So there's a lot of infighting and territorial bullshit about spinning, which is a term used for a long time in cycling that refers to a high pedal cadence. I agree w/ the post about tings being different on a stationary bike vs. I ride 170 miles/week on the road. Indoor cycling is a nice tune up and works to keep my cycling spin in tune, but it just doesn't come close to real road riding. So the notion that things can't be added to indoor cycling w/out being dangerous is bullshit. Oh, BTW, I'm a chiropractor and find the most egregious problems are not fitting the bike right – seat height, fore/aft of saddle, and resistance.
It's all about fit and technique. And understanding cadence and resistance. Andy,I actually use my classes (indoor cycle classes) as training for my triathlons and have made the world champ team with just that – no outdoor riding. So your comment that it doesn't come close to outdoor riding is way off the mark!I do agree that setup needs to be right and i always screen for new people to check their setup and then monitor the class as it goes on and will stop participants if need to be to make adjustments to make it a better ride.But i 100% disagree with with adding crap into the class – its cycling for gods sake – keep it as cycling! You could not have worded it better.
One of the centers I teach is a bike store. The wanted me to put several people on computrainers in with my spin class with me and have them make the same moves on their road bikes. I refused, and I think they finally saw my point. I certify insturctors for their store and it took me a long time to convince them there are moves on a spin bike or indoor cycling bike you cannot make on a road bike. In fact it would be dangerous.

I used to ride road bikes daily for years until an accident that made me decide that riding inside may be safer for me! I don't hate cyclists nor the traditional indoor cycling program but you have a point about 'getting real' with your indoor cycling class. These people still doesn't get it! If they want to train for their outdoor cycling then they should attend spinning classes or the traditional outdoor simulated programs.
For algorithms that need numerical attributes, Strathclyde University produced the file ''. Principi di economia politico cozzi zamagni pdf reader. Several attributes that are ordered categorical (such as attribute 17) have been coded as integer. This was the form used by StatLog.This dataset requires use of a cost matrix (see below). This file has been edited and several indicator variables added to make it suitable for algorithms which cannot cope with categorical variables. 1 2 - 1 0 1 - 2 5 0 (1 = Good, 2 = Bad) The rows represent the actual classification and the columns the predicted classification.
Yet, if they just want to burn calories or stay fit, since they pretty know their biomechanics save the criticism to themselves and just have a good workout. After all, spinning was created by a cyclist for cyclists to train indoor. So what the f.$% is the problem? Spinning was marketed to the fitness industry where gym members are not all cyclists? Anyway, you're also right about 'the spin bike is not the road'. How about riding a BMX bike and doing tricks with it compared to riding a spin bike and having fun with it? Which is safer and the risk of having an injury is lesser?
I'd be happy to hear a quick reply to this. I just attended the worst 'spinning' class ever! I am Schwinn and Spinning certified and have been teaching for 5 years. I just moved to a new area and thought I'd try out the local gymhas all the bells and whistles and new bikes which are unfamiliar to me.
I went in as a newbie and fumbled around with the settings while the instructor stood by and watched. He yelled into his mic that we should have no resistance and just warm up and then, poofhe was on his bike with the resistance cranked up to the top, everyone standing and doing 'no bounce' for at least 10 minutes! People were hanging off of their bikes, leaning on the handle bars and generally riding with terrible form.
There was not one suggestion about technique, just encouraging words like 'suck it up'. I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea. I stayed for 30 minutes and sweated my butt off but I am disappointed to think that the other participants think they got a good workout. I am an instructor over 11 years and Angela's Joyride is a bio-mechanical nightmare.I've never seen such bull!$#@. Also, why we are on the subject of BAD FORM I went to a training session at Equinox for instructors and my mouth hit the floor when I saw all of the bad form of the instructors that were there.
They were bouncing around swinging body parts/etc. And all I could think about is that they were teaching this to members setting them up for injury.
I would have to say that in all fairness there were about 4 instructors of the 45+ that were there had good form the rest I was shocked and I was shocked at the person who gave the class because they were supposed to be a master trainer and their form was bad also.what happen to the quality of classes. Watching these videos made me want to cry. As a seasoned indoor cycle instructor, I find myself competing for prime class times and students against so-called instructors who perform moves similar to Angela’s. The managers of the clubs are all about filling seats and not about fitness.
People who go to these classes are there for entertainment. They trust their instructor not to harm them and when they have back, hip, shoulder, knee pain they blame themselves. I get sick and tired of the pressure to compete with this garbage. Ok, those videos are a little retarded, but you guys are crazzy to not want a spin class to be hard all the time. These classes are there for you when you need motivation reaching you max (or 90%) heart rate during high intensity interval training.

You don’t need to be in a class seting with lots of suport and encouragment in order to have a proper cool down or a recovery workout. You can do that on your own in front of a tv. I want a spin class to be hard every day of the week. That way I know what it’s going to be and if I need it I’ll use it. Your fitness is still in your own hands spin is just a tool you can use. Jennifer is spot on with her comments. I’ve raced bikes for over 20 years, and I have yet to find a spin class where the instructor knew anything about cycling.

It’s just insane what these people do, and more to the point, it’s counterproductive. I have never encountered anything like it and was astounded at how stupid and pointless the workouts were. I tried the spin classes during the winter at the local Y and gave up after trying all three instructors, because it was obvious that they all learn from each other, and not a one of them knew anything. Mostly, they seem to think that redlining your heartrate is the only game in town. And the people in the class just drink the Kool Aid. Just give me an old school wind trainer any day! You know Jennifer, I never heard about you before, but I couldn’t agree more with you, I’m so glad to know that I’m not the only one thinking this way.
It is so obvious that these are not actually spinning instructors. But sadly you can see these kind of huge mistakes on certifyed instructors too. There’s also another issue that it’s no mentioned here, and that’s the intensity of the classes. I use to see a great% of instructors who teach every single class like if it was a race day. They don’t have the common sence to think on curves of training or even on the stimulus intensity on each exercise. Meaning, no recovery, no warmup no cooldown.
Let’s be honest, a 5 minutes cooldown after an intense hard work out with sprints or even after a long climb it’s not enough to remove the lactic acid on your muscles.Now, why is that they do that kind of mistakes?I tend to think it’s a mix of things.1. There’s a certain number of instructors that doesn’t care2. Some times instructors feel the pressure of their bosses to have their classes with no vacants and sadly, people (students) use to think that the only good class is a hard or intense class. So intructors tend to take that way of thinking too.4.
And this I think it’s te most common issue, is that some instructors just DONT know anything about training physiology. And to be honest again with you, spinning program just tells you how they think a training should be but doesnt really teach you how to do it. Yeah sure it’s your responsabilty to keep going to the education courses, but in the meantime between your certification and the moment you’re actually a certified instructor you have 6months wokring and teaching classes without knowing how to apply what you’ve learned.This of course applyes to instructors that know nothing about physiology or training. Sadly they are a huge number. I can always remember finishing the certification day and thinking, I’ve been all day there and the only thing I’ve learned is how they think you should set up the bike. The rest, on how to make a planification, how to program that planification and how to periodizate it was something I allready knew.Sorry if my english is not that bright, you can obviously tell that english is not my mother language.Regards!!
And keep up the good work! Ugh disgusting. I was certified through the spinning program this past April. I decided to take a class at the gym I belonged to at the time about 2 months after I got certified to practice for an upcoming audition for the gym I currently work at. If anything the instructor reminded me of everything not to do. She had people doing push ups on the handle bars, was walking around changing everyone’s resistance knobs to the number she thought it would be. People weren’t able to make full rotations and some were just bent over the handle bars.
I was cringing and was dying to walk out but told myself I had to stay so I could see the rest of this class. She cursed at one point, had people doing leg stretches on the handle bars. I ended up filling out out a comment card and indicated I was a certified instructor and happened to be taking this class and listed all the contraindicated movements. I told them I thought she was a liability and it was only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Of course nothing was done.
She is still teaching and I think it probably got brushed off as me calling this instructor out because I wanted a job there when in fact the main reason I wanted them to know I was an instructor was so they would see that I had knowledge of what was unsafe. At the gym I work at now, none of that would fly. They really want us to focus on simulating outdoor rides and will not allow us to teach jumps. Instructing indoor biking/spinning/cycling used to be my bread and butter during my younger years. And up to now I still teach my craft whenever I have time to spare because it has been in my system and routine.
I have read several entries conveying the idea that using a stationary bike could hurt someone’s knees during the process of pedaling, and yes this could happen but to be honest, it rarely does. When can we hurt our knees? We hurt our knees when we by accident twist them while we are bearing our own weight on the ground.
In the process of pedaling we do not do this weight bearing concept. The weight on our lower extremities being transferred on the pedals is constantly shifting on each side. And in addition, the range of movement is constantly relevant to the speed of pedaling in a flexion-extension manner without the twisting. This is actually the reason why spinning/cycling is part of a rehabilitation exercise of basketball players who injured their knees.I do agree with everyone that we really need to set the standard of making our program safe to all our participants.
Spin Instructor Certification Philadelphia
In my 10 years of instructing I believe that I have carried this out. I respect everyone’s views in spinning/cycling/ biking or whatever you may call it. But the fact remains that we still have our own preferences.When I started teaching indoor biking, I did all the standard aspects of the craft.
Johnny G Spinning Instructor Manual Free
I conformed to the usual technique that everybody has been pinpointing. But then it got boring not all participants are cyclist or purist and people just got tired. I do not like to lose clients so I reinvented the so called boxed workout. Yes, I introduced movements which conformed to the fluid motion of doing side to side movements during a climb, movements like moving forward and backwards off the seat and lastly some upper body movement that involves flexion and extension of the elbow. I have done all this movement synchronized with the pedal cadence with perfect tuning from the music. If one would see my class, we move as one.This is the program/concept that I am teaching that people just love. All aspects of the workout are there including the basic warm-up, main cardio and cool-down which are all in tune with my music.
This also includes the basic climb, sprints and recovery tracts that are all carefully patented with the right amount of load at each given instance.I strongly believe that moving on the bike won’t be crazy or stupid. One just need to learn to instruct properly and clearly so that participants will be guided and of course the basic is still there, the form, the right biomechanics and lastly certain safety precautions which are pertinent. For me, the videos are still not acceptable but with practice they will be great.