Quality Unit Patch 2005 Calendar

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The 2nd Infantry Division ('Indianhead'; '2ID,' '2nd ID', or 'Second D') is a formation of the. Its current primary mission is the pre-emptive defense of in the event of an invasion from. There are approximately 17,000 soldiers in the 2nd Infantry Division, with 10,000 of them stationed in South Korea, accounting for about 35% of the personnel.The 2nd Infantry Division is unique in that it is the only U.S.

Army division that is made up partially of South Korean soldiers, called (Korean Augmentation to the U.S. This program began in 1950 by agreement with the first South Korean president,. Some 27,000 KATUSAs served with the U.S. Forces at the end of the. As of May 2006, approximately 1,100 KATUSA soldiers serve with the 2ID.

There were also more than 4,748 Dutch soldiers assigned to the division between 1950 and 1954.Denoted the 2nd Infantry Division-ROK/U.S. Combined Division, the division is augmented by rotational BCTs from the rest of the U.S. Army's divisions. Omar Bundy & John A. Lejeune. Source for World War I data and information:, The Army Almanac: A Book of Facts Concerning the Army of the United States, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950, pp. 510–592.Interwar years Upon returning to the United States, the division was stationed at, at, Texas as one of three divisions to remain intact and on active duty for the entire interwar period.

It remained there for the next 23 years, serving as an experimental unit, testing new concepts and innovations for the Army. The 2nd Division stationed at and, Texas was the first command reorganized under the new triangular concept of organization theory of warfare, which provided for three separate regiments in each division. Indianhead soldiers pioneered concepts of air mobility and anti-tank warfare, which served the army for the next two decades on battlefields in every corner of the globe. The 2nd Division participated in maneuvers at, Texas between 3 and 27 January 1940. It then moved to, Texas for maneuvers from 26 April to 28 May 1940, followed by maneuvers at, Louisiana from 16 to 23 August 1940. It returned to Fort Sam Houston, where it continued training and refitting, until it moved to, Texas for the VIII Corps maneuvers from 1 June through 14 June 1941 at, Texas.

The division was then sent to, Louisiana from 11 August through 2 October 1941 for the August–September 1941. The division was transferred to the VIII Corps Louisiana maneuver Area on 27 July 1941, being redesignated as the 2nd Infantry Division in August, and remained there until 22 September 1942, whereupon the formation returned to Fort Sam Houston. They then moved to at, Wisconsin on 27 November 1942. Four months of intensive training for winter warfare followed.

In September 1943 the division received their staging orders, and moved to the staging area at, New York on 3 October 1943, where they received Port Call orders. On 8 October the division officially sailed from the, and started arriving in, on 17 October. They then moved over to England, where they trained and staged for forward movement to France. 2nd Infantry Division marching up the bluff at the E-1 draw in the Easy Red sector of Omaha Beach on D+1, 7 June 1944.

They are going past the German bunker, Widerstandsnest 65, that defended the route up the Ruquet Valley to Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer.After training in and from October 1943 to June 1944, the 2nd Infantry Division crossed the channel to land on on plus 1 (7 June 1944) near. Attacking across the on 10 June, the division liberated and proceeded to assault and secure Hill 192, a key enemy strong point on the road to. After three weeks of fortifying the position and by order of Commanding General, the order was given to take Hill 192. On 11 July under the command of Col. The 38th Infantry Regiment and with the 9th and the 23rd by his side the battle began at 5:45am.

Using an artillery concept from World War I (rolling barrage) and with the support of 25,000 rounds of HE/WP that were fired by 8 artillery battalions, the hill was taken. Except for three days during the, this was the heaviest expenditure of ammunition by the 38th Field Artillery Battalion; And was the only time during the 11 months of combat that 2nd Division artillery used a rolling barrage. The division went on the defensive until 26 July. After exploiting the Saint-Lo breakout, the 2nd Division then advanced across the to take on 15 August 1944. The division then raced toward, the heavily defended port fortress which happened to be a major port for German. After 39 days of fighting the was won, and was the first place the used bombs.

The division took a brief rest 19–26 September before moving to defensive positions at, on 29 September 1944. The division entered on 3 October 1944, and was ordered, on 11 December 1944, to attack and seize the dams. The German in mid-December forced the division to withdraw to defensive positions near, where the German drive was halted. In February 1945 the division attacked, recapturing lost ground, and seized, 4 March. Reaching the on 9 March, the division advanced south to take, 10–11 March, and to guard the,.The division crossed the Rhine on 21 March and advanced to and, relieving elements of the, 28 March.

Advancing rapidly in the wake of the 9th Armored, the 2nd Infantry Division crossed the at, 6–7 April, captured 8 April, established a bridgehead across the, 14 April, seizing on 15 April. On 18 April the division took, mopped up in the area, and outposted the; elements which had crossed the river were withdrawn 24 April. Relieved on the Mulde, the 2nd moved 200 miles, 1–3 May, to positions along the German- border near and, where 2 ID relieved the 97th and 99th ID's. The division crossed over to on 4 May 1945, and attacked in the general direction of, attacking that city on. The division lost 3,031 killed in action, 12,785 wounded in action, and 457 died of wounds. Division monument at Omaha Beach by Widerstandsnest 652nd Infantry Division returned to the on 20 July 1945, and arrived at at, Texas on 22 July 1945.

They started a training schedule to prepare them to participate in the scheduled, but they were still at Camp Swift on. They then moved to the staging area at at, California on 28 March 1946, but the move eastward was canceled, and they received orders to move to at, Washington. They arrived at Fort Lewis on 15 April 1946, which became their home station. From their Fort Lewis base, they conducted Arctic, air transportability, amphibious, and maneuver training.Campaign participation credit. Days of combat: 303Casualties. Total battle casualties: 16,795.

Killed in action: 3,031. Wounded in action: 12,785. Missing in action: 193. Prisoner of war: 786Awards and decorations.: 6.: 34.: 1.: 741.: 25.: 14.: 5,530.: 89.: 16Korean War. 2nd Infantry Division soldiers in action during the in late November 1950With the outbreak of hostilities in Korea on 25 June 1950, the 2nd Infantry Division was quickly alerted for movement to the and assignment to the. The division arrived in Korea, via on 23 July, becoming the first unit to reach Korea directly from the United States. Initially employed piecemeal, the entire division was committed as a unit on 24 August 1950, relieving the at the Line.

The first big test came when the (KPA) struck in a human wave attack on the night of 31 August. In the 16-day battle that followed, the division's clerks, bandsmen, technical and supply personnel joined in the fight to defend against the attackers. Shortly thereafter, the division was the first unit to starting on 16 September and Eighth Army then against crumbling KPA opposition to establish contact with forces of the driving southward from the. Major elements of the KPA were destroyed and cut off in this aggressive penetration; the link-up was effected south of on 26 September. On 23 September the Division was assigned to the newly activated US. The UN offensive was continued northwards, past, and across the on 1 October.

The momentum of the attack was maintained, and the race to the North Korean capital, ended on 19 October when elements of the ROK and US both. The advance continued, but against unexpectedly stiffening resistance. The Chinese (PVA) entered the war on the side of North Korea, making their in late October. The Division was within 50 miles (80 km) of the Manchurian border when the PVA launched their on 25 November. During the, soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division were given the mission of protecting the rear and right flank of the Eighth Army as it retired to the south. After this battle, while surrounded and outgunned, the division had to fight its way south through what was to become known as 'The Gauntlet' - a PVA roadblock 6 miles (9.7 km) long where the 23rd Infantry Regiment fired off its stock of 3,206 artillery shells within 20 minutes, a massive barrage that prevented PVA troops from following the regiment.

This fighting around Kunu-ri cost the division nearly one third of its remaining strength. The Eighth Army ordered a to the, south of the. On 1 January 1951, PVA troops attacked the Eighth Army's defensive line at the Imjin River, forcing them back 50 miles (80 km) and allowing the PVA to. The PVA offensive was finally blunted by the 2nd Infantry Division on 20 January at. Following the establishment of defenses south of Seoul, General ordered US, IX and to conduct a general counteroffensive against the PVA/KPA,.

Taking up the offensive in a two-prong attack in February 1951, the Division repulsed a powerful PVA counter-offensive in the epic battles of and Wonju. The UN front was saved and the general offensive continued. In August 1951, the Division was on the offensive once again, ordered to attack a series of ridges that had been designated threats to the Eighth Army's line. These actions would devolve into the battles of. The Division would not receive relief until October, with its infantry regiments having suffered heavy losses.

The 23rd Infantry Regiment bore the brunt of the damage, having been severely mauled on Heartbreak Ridge. The 2nd Division was withdrawn after possessing both Bloody and Heartbreak Ridges, and the damage they inflicted upon the PVA/KPA that held the ridges was estimated at 25,000 casualties. Ridge warfare was not embarked upon again as a military strategy for the remainder of the war. In January 1953 the Division was transferred from IX Corps to I Corps.After the was signed on July 27, 1953, the 2nd Infantry Division withdrew to positions south of the. Soon after the armistice, commander, appointed Brigadier General as Commander of the 2nd Infantry Division which remained on duty in Korea. Seitz commanded the division during a tense period following the armistice when both vigilance and intensive training of the was required by the U.S.

Army until the 2nd Infantry Division was redeployed to the United States in 1954. Awards and decorations.

2nd US Infantry Division 1989In 1965 at Fort Benning, Georgia, the 2nd Infantry Division's stateside units, the 's personnel and equipment, and the colors and unit designations of the 1st Cavalry Division, returned from Korea, were used to form a new formation, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). The personnel of the existing 1st Cavalry Division in Korea took over the unit designations of the old 2nd Infantry Division.

Thus, the 2nd Infantry Division formally returned to Korea in July 1965. From 1966 onwards and the 2nd Infantry Division was called upon to help halt these attacks. On 2 November 1966, soldiers of the 1st Battalion, were killed in an ambush by North Korean forces. In 1967 enemy attacks in the (DMZ) increased, as a result, 16 American soldiers were killed that year. 5,000 Warriors created a human version of the division's distinctive Indianhead patch at Indianhead Stage Field on Camp Casey, Korea on 22 May 2009In 1968 the 2nd Infantry Division was headquartered at Tonggu Ri and responsible for watching over a portion of the DMZ. In 1968 North Koreans continued to probe across the DMZ, and in 1969, while on patrol, four soldiers of 3d Battalion, 23d Infantry were killed.

On 18 August 1976, during a routine tree-trimming operation within the DMZ, two American officers of the Joint Security Force were axed to death in a melee with North Korean border guards called the. On 21 August, following the deaths, the 2nd Infantry Division supported the in 'Operation Paul Bunyan' to cut down the 'Panmunjeom Tree'. This effort was conducted by Task Force Brady (named after the 2nd ID Commander) in support of Task Force Vierra (named after the Joint Security Area Battalion commander).On June 13, 2002, a 2ID on the Yangju highway as the vehicle was returning to base in after training maneuvers.

Sergeants Mark Walker and Fernando Nino, the two soldiers involved, were found not guilty of in a subsequent. The deaths and court-martial was the subject of anti-American sentiment in South Korea.The 2nd Infantry Division is still headquartered in Korea, with a number of camps near the DMZ. Command headquarters are at in.Iraq War. 2ID soldiers patrolling in Baghdad.From November 2003 to November 2004, the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team deployed from Fort Lewis, Washington in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the sands of Iraq the 3rd Brigade Stryker Brigade Combat Team proved the value of the Stryker brigade concept in combat and logistics operations.During the late spring of 2004, many of the soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division's 2d Brigade Combat Team were given notice that they were about to be ordered to further deployment, with duty in Iraq. Units involved in this call-up included: ; 1st Battalion, (Air Assault); 2d Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment; 1st Battalion, (Mechanized);; 2nd Forward Support Battalion; Company A, 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion; Company B, elements of the 2d Battalion, 72nd Armor Regiment, a team from the 509th Personnel Services Battalion, and B Battery, 5th Battalion (Deployed as a combination of mechanized infantry and light infantry with two platoons of Bradley Fighting Vehicles and 1 platoon of armored HMMWVs).

As a result of the short notice, extensive training was conducted by the brigade as they switched from a focus of the foreign defense of South Korea to the offensive operations that were going to be needed in Iraq. Furthermore, time was given for the majority of the soldiers to enjoy ten days of leave.

This was vital: many of the soldiers had been in South Korea for a year or more with only two weeks or less time in the United States during their stay of duty. More, they were about to depart on a deployment scheduled to last at least another year. Finally, in August 2004, the brigade deployed to Iraq. Soldiers take cover during a with insurgents in the section of 7 March 2007Upon landing in country, the 2d BCT was given strategic command to much of the sparsely populated area south and west of Fallujah. Their mission, however, changed when the major strategic actions began to take place within the city proper. At this time, the brigade combat team was refocused and given control of the eastern half of the volatile city of Ar-Ramadi.

Within a few weeks of taking over operational control from the previous units, 2nd Brigade began suffering casualties from violent activity. Many of the units had to move to new camps in support of this new mission.

The primary focus of the 2d BCT for much of their deployment was the struggle to gain local support and to minimize casualties.The brigade was spread out amongst many camps. To the west of the city of Ar-Ramadi sat the camp of Junction City. 2ID units stationed there included: HQ 2d BCT, 2nd ID; 2–17th Field Artillery; 1–9th Infantry; 44th Engineer Battalion; Company A, 102d Military Intelligence Battalion; Company B, and Company C (Medical), 2d Forward Support Battalion. To the eastern end of the city sat a much more austere camp, known as the Combat Outpost. This was home to the 1-503d Infantry Regiment. East of them but outside of the city proper itself was the town of Habbiniya and the 1–506th Infantry Regiment.

Adjacent to this camp was the logistically important camp of Al-Taqaddum, where the 2d Forward Support Battalion was stationed.For this mission, the brigade fell under the direct command not of the 2d Infantry Division, but rather under a Marine division. For the first six months while in, the BCT fell under the.

For the second half of the deployment, they were attached to the. While the Marines do not wear unit patches on their uniforms, the units of the 2d BCT involved are authorized to now wear any of the following: the 2nd Infantry Division patch, the unit patch or the unit patch. SGT Karl King and PFC David Valenzuela lay down cover fire behind the cover of a Stryker vehicle while their squad maneuvers down a street in Al Doura, Iraq, on 7 March 2007.

The soldiers are from Company C, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3rd BCT, 2nd Infantry Division.The 2d Brigade Combat Team was in action in the city of Ramadi for many events, including the Iraqi national elections of January 2005. While the voting was accomplished and little to no violence was seen within the city, few voters participated (estimated to be in the 700 person range for the eastern half of the city, according to 2nd BCT officials).The 2d BCT also built several new camps within the city. For security reasons, many are left unverified, however ones that can be confirmed include Camps Trotter and Corregidor built to ease the burden on the accommodations at Combat Outpost.In July 2005, the brigade began to get relieved by units of the Army National Guard, as well as the 3d Infantry Division of the Regular Army.

Six months into the deployment, the units of the 2d BCT were given word that they would not be returning to South Korea but, rather, to, Colorado in an effort to restructure the Army and house more soldiers on American soil.From June 2006 to September 2007, the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team deployed from Fort Lewis, Washington in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During the 3rd Stryker Brigade's second deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom their mission was to assist the Iraqi security forces with counter-insurgency operations in the Ninewa Province. 46 soldiers from the brigade were killed during the deployment.On 1 June 2006 at Fort Lewis, Washington the 4th Brigade, 2d Infantry Division was formed. From April 2007 to July 2008 the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team was deployed in as part of the surge to regain control of the situation in Iraq. The brigade assumed responsibility for the area north of Baghdad and the Diyala province.

35 soldiers from the brigade were killed during the deployment.From October 2006 to January 2008, the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed from Fort Carson, Colorado in support of the Multi-National Division – Baghdad (1st Cavalry Division) and was responsible for assisting the Iraqi forces to become self-reliant, bringing down the violence and insurgency levels and supporting the rebuilding of the Iraqi infrastructure. 43 soldiers from the brigade were killed during the deployment.SSG Christopher B.

Waiters of 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3d Brigade Combat Team was awarded the on 23 October 2008 for his actions on 5 April 2007 when he was a specialist. Shortly after, SPC Erik Oropeza of the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team Thus the division will be credited with the 17th and 18th Distinguished Service Cross awardings since 1975.The 2nd Infantry Division's deployed to Iraq in the fall of 2009.3rd Brigade deployed to Iraq 4 August 2009 for the brigade's third deployment to Iraq, the most of any Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT).War in Afghanistan. Justin Heimsoth (left) and Sgt. Chris Hagen fill sandbags for a machine gun position during Operation Southern Fist in Afghanistan's Spin Boldak district, Sept. Both soldiers are infantrymen with the 2nd Infantry Division's 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment.On 17 February 2009, President ordered 4,000 soldiers from the 5th Brigade Combat Team to, along with 8,000.

Soldiers are being sent there because of the worsening situation in the Afghan War. These soldiers were deployed in the southeast, on the - border. During deployment, 35 soldiers were killed in combat, two others were killed in accidents, and 239 were wounded.

In July 2010, the 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team was inactivated and reflagged as the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team. The brigade's Special Troops Battalion was also inactivated and reflagged and the rest of the subordinate units were reassigned to the reactivated 2nd SBCT.3rd SBCT deployed in December 2011 and served in Afghanistan for one-year.

16 soldiers from the brigade lost their lives during the deployment. They were joined by their sister Stryker brigade, the 2nd SBCT, in the spring. 2nd Brigade returned around December 2012 and January 2013 having lost eight soldiers during deployment. The 4th Stryker BCT also deployed to its first deployment to the country in fall 2012 and returned in summer 2013 having lost four soldiers. Rogue 'kill team' criminal charges. Main article:During the summer of 2010, the U.S. Military charged five members of the 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, with the formation of a 'kill team', which staged three separate murders of Afghan civilians in.

In addition, seven soldiers were also charged with crimes including use, impeding an investigation and attacking a soldier who alerted MPs during an initially unrelated investigation into hashish use by members of the 3rd Platoon. The alleged ringleader was.

On 15 January 2010, Gul Mudin was killed 'by means of throwing a fragmentary grenade at him and shooting him with a rifle,' an action carried out by SPC Jeremy Morlock and PFC Andrew Holmes under the direction of Gibbs. Morlock allegedly told Holmes, age 19 and on his first tour of duty, that the killing was carried out for fun. On 22 February, Gibbs and SPC Michael S. Wagnon allegedly shot the second victim, Marach Agha, and placed a Kalashnikov next to the body to justify the killing. On 2 May, Mullah Adadhdad was killed after being shot and attacked with a grenade. Winfield and Gibbs were allegedly the perpetrators.Christopher Winfield, the father of platoon member SPC Adam Winfield, attempted to alert the Army of the kill team's existence after his son explained the situation from Afghanistan via a Facebook chat. In response to the news from his son, Winfield called the Army inspector general's 24-hour hotline, the office of Sen.

(D-Fla.), and a sergeant at who told him to call the. He then contacted the Fort Lewis command center and spoke to a sergeant on duty who agreed that SPC Winfield was in potential danger but that he had to report the crime to his superiors before the Army could take action.

Quality Unit Patch Placement

Locations. (Division Command) – near City, South of Seoul. – City, 45 miles north of; 17 miles south of. – adjacent to Camp Casey.

Quality Unit Patch 2005 Calendar

– near Camp Casey. Camp Mobile – adjacent to Camp Casey.

– East of Uijeongbu. – Tacoma, Washington. South Korea near USAG YongsanCurrent structure. 2nd Infantry Division organic units order of battleThe Division has a mechanized brigade from the ROK 8th Infantry Division, three stryker brigade combat teams, a division artillery, a combat aviation brigade, a field artillery brigade, a sustainment brigade, a (CBRNE) battalion, and an engineer battalion. 16th Mechanized Brigade from the - will be included in division structure as part of US - ROK force integration project, although not directly attached to the division. 21 April 2010.

Archived from on 31 May 2009. Retrieved 23 June 2010. Tan, Michelle. Retrieved 5 April 2013. Defensie, Ministerie van (13 January 2016).

Quality Unit Patch 2005 Calendar

Www.defensie.nl. Defensie, Ministerie van (13 January 2016). Www.defensie.nl.

accessdate=2016-10-28. Retrieved 3 November 2009. In World War I, there was only one type of division in the US Army, the infantry division, and all divisions were called simply 'Division'. Rinaldi, Richard A. Army in World War I: Orders of Battle. General Data LLC.

Pp. 29–30. ^ Stanton, Shelby (2006). World War II Order of Battle: An Encyclopedic Reference to U.S.

Army Ground Forces from Battalion through Division, 1939–1946. Stackpole Books. 2nd Infantry Division.

Archived from on 7 July 2012. Retrieved 4 November 2009.

McClellan, Major Edwin N. Washington D.C.: U.S. Marine Corps History Division. Retrieved 23 February 2017. McGrath, John J.

Combat Studies Institute Press. P. 165. ^ Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths (Statistical and Accounting Branch, Office of the Adjutant General, 1 June 1953. (1986). Hippocrene Vooks.

Retrieved August 9, 2016. ^ Thompson, Assembly, 1979, p. 137.

Wilson, John B., Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Separate Brigades. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1999. 665. Stanton, Shelby, Vietnam Order of Battle: A Complete Illustrated Reference to the U.S.

Army and Allied Ground Forces in Vietnam, 1961–1973, Stackpole Books 2006, p. 340–341 where a divisional order of battle in Korea can be found. Retrieved 20 March 2018. Cox, Matthew (7 February 2009).

(News Article). Army Times Publishing Company. Retrieved 14 February 2009. Two days after arriving to the unit on 10 Dec., he was told he would receive the DSC. (Press release). 2 March 2009. From the original on 10 March 2009.

Retrieved 3 March 2009. Whitlock, Craig (18 September 2010). Www.globalsecurity.org.

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Ashton, Adam (27 August 2011). Army Times. 10 February 2012.

Retrieved 19 July 2014. 16 February 2012. Archived from on 20 July 2012. Retrieved 31 October 2012. Seattle Times.

Associated Press. 19 April 2012 – via komonnews.com. Retrieved 19 July 2014. Whitlock, Craig (18 September 2010). Washington Post.

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15 January 2015. Retrieved 13 October 2015.

Stars and Stripes. Archived from on 23 December 2016. Retrieved 26 December 2016. Association of the United States Army. Www.army.mil. (PDF).

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Retrieved 20 April 2010. 'url-status=dead External links.