Sanskrit Tools Hyderabad Hyderabad

Attapur: A 10-day Sanskrit spoken language camp concluded on April 24 at Club House, Pearl Country, a gated community, Attapur. Former Advisor of AP CM Parakala Prabhakar was the chief guest.As part of the closing ceremony of the 10-day Sanskrit camp, the students presented before their parents, family members and others what they learnt in the 10 days. In order to make this entertaining they presented it in form of short skits, songs and a few advertisements, all presented in simple Sanskrit language. The 10-day camp was organised by Pearl Country Society and supported by the Sanskrit Bharati which was founded in 1981 as a movement to develop Sanskrit. The main objective of the camp was to revive the lost language as Sanskrit has in own essence and it the primary liturgical language. Around 40 students ranging from age 7 to 70 years participated.
Sanjeev, Head of Samskrita Bharati, Telangana, said that Sanskrit was the mother of all mother tongues (languages) in India and learning this language makes one familiar with most Indian languages.Speaking on the occasion, Parakala Prabhakar said that the people generally talk about their mother tongue, but Sanskrit was the mother of all Indian languages. He recommended that everyone learn to read and speak Sanskrit.
The Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad, is engaged in developing computational tools for the analysis of Sanskrit texts following the Indian Grammatical Tradition.Samsaadhanii is a tool which has many valuable features that could be used by a wide spectrum of researchers in Sanskrit and teaching. Currently the deployment of the project requires expertise and is on a server that requires manual input per sentence. A new project has been proposed to make deployment trivial by using virtual machines and provisioning scripts using tools like vagrant. A command line interface will also be developed to help with batch processing of texts along with implementing various features of the website.Goals.
Sanskrit Tools Hyderabad Hyderabad Online
Easy deployment: Currently successful application deployment involves cloning 3 git repositories, placing in folder structures, configuring them, compiling them and configuring the web server. This can be simplified to just installing a few dependencies spinning up a vm with all the provisioning steps in a shell script. Command Line Interface: Taking note of the various features present in the website, command line tools will be developed. Art history marilyn stokstad third edition notes app. This will also help to create tools for batch processing of Sanskrit texts.Indic Academy is proud to support this project by providing a grant to the scholars and IT experts who will be working on the project.
Sanskrit Declension Generator
The project will ensure that the tools will be made available on the desktop and mobile for the benefit of lay users.We welcome your comments at.