Batch Script Check File Version Dos

Batch Script Check File Version Dos 5,6/10 3652 reviews

That's why you never, ever, do anything in a batch script after a 'cd' or a drive change without testing its errorlevel.The better alternative to 'cd' is to work with absolute paths. If you specify the full path, and the path doesn't exist, you'll get an error message and nothing else happens. A 'cd Wherever&rd /s /q.' will lead to dire consequences if 'Wherever' doesn't exist, or is on another drive.That said, try this. It's in test mode and will only display the harmful commands it would run. Remove the uppercase ECHOs in lines 9 and 12 to run it for real.@echo off REM Friday archive deletion using drive letter folder paths set FolderList='I:ServersBackupVault' 'I:ExchangeBackupVault' set ExitCode=0 for%%f in (%FolderList%) do ( echo Processing '%%f'.

Batch Script Check File Version Dos

Batch Script Check File Version Dos Download

If exist '%%f' ( for /d%%i in ('%%f.' ) do ( ECHO rd /s /q '%%i' if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1 ) ECHO del /q '%%f.' if errorlevel 1 set ExitCode=1 ) else ( echo ERROR: folder not found. Set ExitCode=1 ) ) exit /b%ExitCode%Select all.

User CommandsNAMEscript - make record of a terminal sessionSYNOPSISscript -a filenameDESCRIPTIONThe script utility makes a record of everything printed on your screen. The record is written to filename.

If no file name is given, therecord is saved in the file typescript. See WARNINGS.The script command forks and creates a sub-shell, according to the value of $SHELL, and records the text from this session. Stewart bushong radiologic science technologists pdf files.